Health & Hygine

Name of the Project Aayushmaan Adhar – Health Check up Camp.
Target Area Maharshtra,Karnataka,Keral,Andhra Pradesh,Telgana,Tamilnadu.(65 Citis)
 Target Group 65000 Beneficiaries in Urban & Rural  Area Selected City.
Aims & Objectives Conducting the AAYUSHMAAN AADHAR is to create awareness of general health among the people, provide general healthcare services and counseling   them on basic healthcare and hygiene.


Project Akshya Project- CHAI
Target Satara District (30 Villages)
Aim & Objective To eliminate TB among interaction village
Goal of the project Early determination & early dignosis to minimise mortality of TB cases
 Aims & Objectives  The main objective of this project is to provide guidance to women and adolescent girls in remote and rural areas about menstrual problems as well as to remove misconceptions about menstruation in the society and also to provide expert guidance on physical hygiene so that rural women and adolescent girls Be aware of their health.
Goal To provide counselling to all women and adolescent girls in remote and rural areas by taking information regarding physical hygiene and precautions to be taken during menstruation and perceptions and misconceptions regarding menstruation. Distribute free sanitary napkins to them and encourage them to use them so that rural women and adolescent girls are aware of their health.
Target Group –   All women and adolescent girls in remote and rural areas